- Psychology / Threat / Prof. Dr. Judith Ackermann
Prof. Dr. Judith Ackermann
New prevention tasks
- Ackermann: Phenomenon
- Ackermann: Chances
- Ackermann: Vision
Since the way people interact with digital media is particularly relevant to my field of work, this is also one of the challenges in the area of crime and violence prevention, because new channels are created for strategic networking. Sometimes these are also shifted to channels that are no longer so visible, because we obviously have the case that quite a lot of our communication is recorded and monitored in digital contexts. In other words, ways are constantly being created of how to network across these monitoring mechanisms and sometimes also agree to risky behaviour. In fact, this is something that has taken on a new quality, because I can, of course, interact much more specifically with people who can perhaps reinforce this or who can also strengthen me in my mindset. Radicalisation, for example, is a very large field in this area. Because we can see that algorithms, which are sometimes very prejudiced and simply rank elements higher if they are very emotional, if they are very polarizing, if they promote a great deal of exchange, bring us into contact with radical positions more quickly. And of course it is very important to see how this actually influences people, especially young people. Because we know that teenagers consider it important when their more famous YouTubers, who they like and trust, have ideas about how they could behave in one place or another. That means to look there, okay, how can I get young people to be able to judge that, that they know from which direction comes which source, so that they do not let themselves be influenced in the negative direction.
Prof. Dr. Judith Ackermann
- Since 2019: Head of the BMBF research project DISA – Digital Inclusion in the context of social anxiety disorders (together with Prof. Dr. Frank Heidmann)
- Since 2017: Head of the BMBF research project PKKB: Postdigital Art Practices in Cultural Education – Aesthetic Encounters between Appropriation, Production and Mediation (together with Prof. Dr. Marian Doerk and Prof. Dr. em. Hanne Seitz)
- Study of media science, computer linguistics, psychology and acting in Bonn and Köln
- PhD in Media Studies at the University of Bonn (2011)Since January 2017 Professor for Digital and Networked Media in Social Work at the FH Potsdam (representing the professorship since Oct. 2016)
- Previously scientific coordinator of the interdisciplinary DFG Research Training Group “Locating Media” at the University of Siegen and teacher for special tasks in the media science seminar Siegen (2013-2016)
- 2012-2013 research associate in the Research Promotion Department of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Department: Digital Media in Vocational Education and Training, PT-DLR)
- Guest professorships at the School of Design of the Politecnico di Milano (2015 to 2019) and the Film University Babelsberg (Digital Media Culture, 2012/13)
- Lecturer in the master’s degree in games and media education at the Ernst Abbe Hochschule Jena (from winter semester 2016/2017)
- Actress in the field of children’s theatre at the Horizont Theater Cologne (since 2014)
- Initiator of the international Urban Games Festival playin’siegen (since 2015)
- Phenomenon
- Threat
- Chances
- Vision