On a personal level, I can only say that I also find digitisation somewhat exhausting. At least with me, you have a Netflix subscription where you can get films and series, and lots more. Then you use an Amazon service, have more videos to watch, have Spotify with music and in streaming everything is always available everywhere. You have a small smartphone in your pocket which can give you movies, series and everything. You have flat rates everywhere and I find that somehow, honestly, exhausting. I mean in the past, as a child or as a teenager, you always wished to have everything available and now it is and somehow it is great and I use it regularly, but I also often have moments when I am simply overwhelmed or even bored because so much is available everywhere, infinitely. And I think, especially with series and films, the quantity is clearly more dominant than the quality. I mean, in the past, people used to look forward to movies until they came out and watched them in the cinema, and nowadays: oh my God, that’s already on Netflix, I’ve seen that already, they’re recommending something here now. And I think the quality has really gone down in many areas. And that’s why, to be honest, in the age of digitalization I often like to be offline.