When I think of my childhood, I grew up watching television on the weekend, for an hour or two hours, from 2 to 4 pm and then playing outside. Today, young people grow up very differently. Today, they watch TikTok or YouTube videos, they don’t learn at school in an intense and professional way, but rather they teach themselves things via YouTube videos and other learning content. It even goes much further, the children network via their smartphones in messenger groups, WhatsApp groups etc. But for adults, too, it is of course a very important element in digitisation that we not only spend our leisure time and learning content together, but also perhaps work together on the move. You can no longer imagine that you are just sitting in the office, but rather you are perhaps outside in a café working with your notebook, your laptop or doing bank transactions on your smartphone. These are all areas that are quite significant. It affects the young and it affects the so-called golden agers, including the elderly, who are participating very intensively in digitisation and are thus, of course, socialised in a very special way.