- Humanities / Phenomenon / PD Dr. Jessica Heesen
PD Dr. Jessica Heesen
Phenomenon Digitization
- Heesen: Threat
- Heesen: Chances
- Heesen: Vision
Digitisation means on the one hand medialisation and on the other hand datafication. Medialisation is a phenomenon that we all know from our everyday lives. That means we use our mobile phone, our mobile phone is always with us. This is a so-called technical all-rounder. We can communicate with it, we can get in contact with others, we can book a ticket with it, we can book a car with it, but on the other hand we can also evaluate all these data that are available in the social media and collected via our mobile phone. And that is the phenomenon of datafication. It goes even further than that. We live in a world increasingly equipped with sensors. Smart living, for example, is a keyword in this context, but intelligent camera surveillance in a railway station is also a phenomenon. Data can be collected everywhere about us, about our behavior and about the way we communicate. Of course, this is a phenomenon that crime prevention also takes on board. We can take all this data and we can create completely new surveillance situations here. We can make predictions about what will happen in the future and what form of crime will become virulent in certain neighbourhoods, for example. The young people are in a situation where they can be media producers themselves. That means they have a totally new responsibility which they have to carry. So every single child or every single pupil has to decide for himself or herself whether, for example, he or she wants to send on a violent video. We also have many problems with bullying in the social media. These are completely new media worlds in which children and young people are present, for which we have not yet found good tools in education, but also in the personal educational tasks of parents, to cope with it. What children and young people often see are very violent images which they then pass on or sometimes even create themselves. There is often little sensitivity for this, for example in the area of nude pictures or scenes from the schoolyard where someone is beaten up. All this will of course contribute to children and young people seeing themselves in a world in which violence is constantly present via the social media. And it is of course a social mandate to deal with this phenomenon.
PD Dr. Jessica Heesen
- Head of the Research Unit Media Ethics and Information Technology at the International Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities at the University of Tübingen
- Doctorate at the University of Stuttgart
- Habilitation at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology with venia legendi in philosophy
- Main areas of research: Social and technical philosophy, ethics, information, media and security ethics
- Die Software aus den USA in Bezug auf überwachte Schüler_innen
- Einen Hinweis auf das Ethik-Gutachten für den Präventionstag , hier ist auf S. 113 eine Ausführung zu IT im Präventionskontext
- Informationen zum Predictive Policing
- Chances
- Threat
- Phenomenon
- Vision