- Humanities / Vision / Kerstin Demuth
Kerstin Demuth
Vision: Smart Prevention
- Demuth: Phenomenon
- Demuth: Threat
- Demuth: Chances
We are working for a world worth living in the digital age and that also means that not everything has to be digitalised. For us, smart prevention means that the causes of problems are actually sought where they occur, and that the solution also fits the problems. In other words, it will not work to simply throw technology at every problem; in the medium term, this will cause many more problems for our democracy and our society. Rather, policy-makers should listen more often to scientists who have a real understanding of their respective fields, whether it is health, transport policy, environmental policy, social policy, and who tackle actual safety and prevention measures. Above all, we must manage digitisation in such a way that technology serves people and not technology restricts people. I do not want Google to know where I am, and I do not want to have to actively fight against it all the time. I also do not want to be uncertain whether the state might read my news because I was once at a demonstration against lignite mining or something like that. Technology is often used against us at the moment and it does not have to be that way. It’s actually really great that I carry around a device in my pocket that allows me to check the internet at any time for things I don’t know. With which I can reach my friends on the other side of the world at any time. And being able to do that again while trusting our technology is a world we aspire to. On the one hand, the power of large Internet corporations and platforms must be limited. It is really threatening for a democracy how much data, how much power, how much knowledge Google, Facebook, Amazon have about so many people in the world. And that power has to be contained. For this, we also need the courage to create laws at the German level, but also at the EU level, which make real innovations possible and not simply continue to support the same databased, invasive business models. The other thing is that we need to get away from this narrative of security that can be created through surveillance. That’s never been the truth. We have always been protected by our fundamental rights and a social peace. And we do not achieve peace through uncertainty, through the fact that we never really know who is looking over my shoulder, who is watching me, who is possibly listening to me, because someone has switched on the microphone on my mobile phone. These are thoughts that burden a society. And we should go back to the trust that most people are actually benevolent towards other people and that most of us are not criminals and therefore blanket surveillance always does more harm than good.
Kerstin Demuth
- Data protector and fundamental rights activist
- Since 2017 campaigner and editor at the association Digitalcourage e.V. in Bielefeld
- Organisation of the constitutional complaint against telecommunications surveillance and the so-called “impending danger” in the NRW Police Act
Digitalcourage has been committed to data protection and civil rights since 1987 and has been organising the annual ceremony of the BigBrotherAwards since 2000. In 2008, Digitalcourage received the Theodor Heuss Medal for special commitment to civil rights.
- „Schluss mit dem Sicherheitstheater!“: Digitalcourage fordert echte Sicherheitspolitik, statt Grundrechtseingriffe, die nicht helfen, sondern nur schaden.
- Dr. Rolf Gössner verleiht einen BigBrotherAward 2018 der Kategorie „Politik“ an CDU und Gründe im Landtag Hessen für die Aufrüstung des Landesamts für Verfassungsschutz und der Einführung von Staatstrojanern.
- 2019 erhält der hessische Innenminister Peter Beuth erhält einen BigBrotherAward für die Anschaffung der Software „Gotham“ aka „Hessendata“.
- Rena Tangens über die vermeintliche „smarte“ Stadt – BigBrotherAwards 2018:
- Google: Allumfassender Datensammler
- Vorratsdatenspeicherung von Kommunikationsdaten: Hilft nicht gegen Verbrechen, bringt Menschen in Gefahr.
- Warum ist die Vorratsdatenspeicherung gefährlich?
- Wissenschaftliche Materialsammlung: Wirkt Videoüberwachung?
- Phenomenon
- Threat
- Chances
- Vision